Looking ahead, what is your vision for the future of Lisbon after the incredible transformation it has undergone in the past decade?

We are anticipating a new phase of growth for Lisbon, one that emphasizes a more humane, sustainable, and innovative city. Our vision is to cultivate a city that embodies transparency and efficiency, enhancing neighborhood life by integrating commerce, culture, and education within residential areas. Our primary aim is to establish livable spaces with a diverse and affordable housing offering. Encouraging investments that foster equilibrium, especially in overlooked areas and disadvantaged communities, is crucial. To revitalize consolidated regions, we are leveraging tools like “unidades de execução” for comprehensive development. To accommodate forthcoming investments, ensuring streamlined, transparent, and prompt urban licensing processes is imperative.

Investors often express concerns about high taxation, notably the 23% VAT rate, and cite perceived inconsistencies in planning transparency. Can they expect changes in these areas?

Upon commencing my role as City Councilor in Lisbon, my foremost action was to engage with my entire team, from managers to technicians. Understanding their insights about the structure and necessary changes was vital. Furthermore, I delved into the experiences of citizens and investors by connecting with the Attendance Division, enabling me to diagnose the prevailing difficulties.

This process enabled me to establish a dedicated team focused explicitly on innovating organizational structures within urban planning. This approach aims to address concerns and drive forthcoming improvements.

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