Can you give us an overview of Elper and the services the company provides to the industry?

Elper is a specialized engineering company that was established in 1996. We focus on providing a range of services to the oil and gas industry, including engineering procurement and construction, marine engineering, inspection and quality management, equipment procurement and installation, small fabrication, and training and manpower supply. Our contracts typically span three to five years, and we have experienced substantial growth over the years. Currently, our team consists of around individuals, with only 50 being expatriates. To strengthen our capabilities in certain specialized areas, we have formed partnerships with international companies.

Our growth and partnership approach have been driven by Nigeria’s local content laws. We have been strong advocates of these laws from the beginning and have actively participated in a government committee where local companies shared their experiences and ideas. This involvement has significantly benefited our company and opened up numerous opportunities to collaborate with international firms. Our goal is to become the leading service company in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry, prioritizing the development of local content through continuous learning, training, and adherence to international standards. We remain dedicated to training and developing local skills.

Can you provide some insights into the current projects that Elper is involved in?

Elper engages in projects through the standard Nipex (Nigerian Petroleum Exchange) tendering process. We have recently secured a new contract with ExxonMobil, which is progressing well. Additionally, we continue to work with and provide manpower to Chevron. While there may not be significant new investments in the industry at present, maintenance and operational projects are ongoing. Our advantage lies in our 22 years of experience in the industry and the strong relationships we have built with our customers over time. We believe that investment will return to the industry, which will create new opportunities for us.

How does Elper develop and implement technologies within its processes?

The demand to enhance capabilities is primarily driven by industry requirements. In Nigeria, clients expect the same level of quality and technological advancements found in other parts of the world. Embracing innovative technologies is a natural progression for a company that aims to remain competitive. When we participate in tendering processes, we strive to attract and implement technologies that capture the interest of our clients.

Elper strives to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. For instance, we were particularly interested in adopting drone-based inspection services due to their time and cost-saving potential. However, we discovered that the use of drones is currently illegal in Nigeria due to security concerns. Nonetheless, we continuously explore new technologies and implement them where appropriate.

Despite Nigeria’s substantial oil and gas reserves, the country still experiences intermittent energy supply. What do you believe causes these inefficiencies?

The inefficiencies in Nigeria’s energy supply can be attributed to various technical, social, and economic factors. One major factor is the controlled pricing of energy output, which affects the overall power supply to the population. Challenges in the logistics of power supply and distribution also contribute to the problem. Additionally, the availability of gas reserves often does not align with the existing power plants, creating further obstacles. Addressing these challenges requires infrastructure development and ensuring pipeline security. One proposed solution is the establishment of a network of smaller gas power plants to overcome current logistical challenges. Although this solution has not been implemented yet, I remain optimistic about the future as I see a drive to improve the energy situation in Nigeria.

What is Elper’s vision for the future?

Elper’s vision involves consolidating our current position while seeking growth opportunities on our existing platform. We are diversifying our portfolio and positioning ourselves in the marine and underwater services sector, as we see potential in this market for the future. We believe that with the right partners and training, we can achieve significant success in this area. Additionally, we are looking to expand our offerings in the environmental services space, as the demand for such services is rapidly increasing. By capitalizing on these opportunities, we aim to further strengthen our position in the industry.

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