Can you give us an update on the milestones achieved by Devex in 2015?

Devex has been investing heavily in new technology over the past three years and has been running pilot projects that include a broader degree of remote automation for mining operations. The company’s background in process automation has allowed them to see the potential for new innovations. The products were still in development when they were last spoken to, but they have since been embraced and had their value demonstrated by a huge project in Brazil. Devex’s new technology can be used for both open-pit and underground mining, and the company is currently running a pilot program that will serve as a basis for their future internationalization.

Is Devex the only company to offer a complete underground automation product, and do you see your future growth deriving from it?

According to Devex, they are the only company that has the DNA to take the same approach to complete underground automation as they do. Truck-makers do not have a strong understanding of automation as a process, and few companies know how to optimize activity in one area of a mine on the basis of events in others. Devex’s ideas are not new, but they are empowering operators to act upon the information they gather. Devex has postponed its internationalization somewhat as it waits for its new range of products to be made available, but the company has started some international initiatives. They partner with CAE Mining in markets such as Australia, Canada, Russia, the former Soviet republics, and India.

Devex holds 85% of the market share in Brazil. How did you achieve this, and how are you finding the market’s acceptance towards your innovative solutions in the country?

Devex achieved its 85% market share in Brazil by providing flexible integration services to clients. The company has only focused on mining since 2001, but its growth has been rapid. Regarding the market’s acceptance of new products and solutions, the situation is currently changing. Devex used to deal only with operational managers, but now there are many more stakeholders in the conversation, including customers’ IT and automation departments. This makes it easier to sell new technology, as companies want Devex to help them with safety, security, maintenance, and environmental performance, not just productivity.

How have mining safety regulations in Brazil changed recently and what impact has it had on Devex’s business?

Mining companies in Brazil, particularly Vale, have always prioritized safety and invested in it, even in tough market conditions. Devex, which represents SAFEmine in Brazil, sees opportunities for their products even without strict regulations.

What do you think the new mining code will mean for the industry in Brazil and how will Devex benefit from it?

The lack of clarity in the current mining code has created uncertainty, and a new code is expected to bring more clarity for international investors. The specific terms of the new code won’t have much of an impact on Devex, but the certainty it brings will be beneficial.

What is Devex’s vision for the future, and where do you see the company in the next five years?

 Devex aims to capitalize on the trend of remote mobile automation, which will become more prevalent in the industry in the coming years. The company is making investments in this area and expects to see returns, both domestically and internationally, over the next five years.

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