- Kuwait | 12 June 2023

What progress have you noticed in Kuwait in terms of entrepreneurship, infrastructure developments, and foreign policy improvements?
In terms of entrepreneurship, infrastructure developments, and foreign policy improvements, progress is still underway in Kuwait. However, the country has been hindered by political deadlock, as the government and parliament struggle to reach agreements and pass necessary laws. The creation of the Northern Economic Zone, for example, requires the implementation of a law. What Kuwait needs is political harmony to facilitate progress. During the pandemic, many businesses had to close, leading to job losses. This situation motivated some individuals to establish their own businesses. Some of these entrepreneurs continue to hold their previous jobs while successfully running their ventures. This trend is not unique to Kuwait but can be observed across the region.
What opportunities and challenges did digitalization offer OilServ?
The pandemic forced us to embrace online platforms, which brought our company closer together. We adopted tools that improved communication efficiency and enhanced our digital intelligence. Additionally, we utilized this shift to enhance asset tracking and measure efficiency across various fronts. These may seem like small improvements, but they hold significant value for our operations.
Are you looking into other markets or partnerships to be established?
We have already entered into several important partnerships, primarily focused on emission control and management. One such partnership is with Questor, a Canadian company, to help us achieve net-zero emissions. Our second partnership involves a gas-to-liquids (GTL) system, which enables us to address gas waste in an environmentally friendly manner, albeit in smaller quantities. Our third partnership is with a company that allows us to utilize gas for electricity generation. However, since transporting gas in small quantities is not efficient, we have decided to collaborate with EWP and establish data centers integrated with our system. This enables us to offer data space for international companies to utilize while ensuring sustainable emission management wherever we operate.
What important steps still need to be taken for better inclusion of females within the business community?
There are three key areas that warrant attention for better inclusion of women in the business community. Firstly, despite women having political rights on paper, they are underrepresented in the Parliament. There is ample room for improvement in this regard. Recent positive developments include the placement of four women in the Municipal Council. To create a more inclusive environment, it would be beneficial to recommend women for government openings. In the realm of politics, women lack experience and connections, as their entry into this sphere is relatively recent. To bridge this gap, the establishment of a temporary system to introduce more women into politics could provide them with exposure and help them establish networks. Without women in decision-making circles, their influence will not increase. Lastly, in the private sector, an initiative similar to those in the UK or Europe, mandating that 30% of executive-level positions be filled by women, should be introduced. While there are already exceptional women serving on boards and in C-level positions, regulations can further enhance their representation. By implementing these measures, a more level playing field can be achieved for all.
What priorities and expectations does OilServ have in the coming months?
Our priority is to expand our business and serve various sectors of the industry in Kuwait. We are committed to the country and offer services that are already being successfully executed elsewhere. Currently, we provide only one service in Kuwait, while there are at least 17 more areas we can explore and contribute to. There is significant potential to improve the market by expanding our offerings. Therefore, our priorities are to grow, expand, and train more Kuwaitis to provide the industry with the best possible services.