China's Path to Pharmaceutical Innovation: A Promising Future Emerges
- China | 5 July 2018

In 2015, Tu Youyou made history as the first Chinese scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize for her groundbreaking research on the anti-malarial compound artemisinin. This discovery led to the development of the injectable drug Artesunate by Guilin Pharma in 1978. With its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Artesunate gained international recognition as “China’s No. 1 New Medicine” for its low toxicity, fast action, and high efficacy. Since then, the pharmaceutical industry in China has strived to introduce more innovative and commercially-relevant drugs to the global market.
While China’s push for innovation has attracted global attention, it has traditionally been seen as a follower rather than a leader in research and development (R&D), focusing on low-profit margin products rather than high-risk drug discovery. Critics argue that China’s R&D sector still has a long way to go to compete on the global stage, despite the government’s efforts to become a scientific powerhouse.
However, it is important to note that drug discovery takes time, and China’s innovation shift is relatively recent. Considering that the average drug development life cycle spans 10-15 years, China has spent the past decade improving the foundational elements necessary for innovation. Therefore, it is logical that it will take a few more years before the industry begins to see the fruits of these efforts.
There is evidence to suggest that innovation is indeed taking hold in China. The country’s National New Drug Innovation program has seen a significant number of innovative drugs approved for clinical research and production. In addition, the number of innovative drugs in development has grown substantially, reflecting a promising focus on innovation. Presently, there are approximately 800 drugs in various stages of development in China, with a nearly equal distribution between clinical and pre-clinical stages. This represents a significant increase from 2012 and accounts for around 6% of drugs worldwide.
While some companies in China still prioritize “me too” projects, there is a growing sentiment within the pharmaceutical community that innovation is crucial for survival. Many companies are shifting their focus towards first-in-class and best-in-class projects, signaling a change in the industry’s approach. This shift is also reflected in the aspirations of Chinese pharmaceutical companies to list on international stock exchanges like NASDAQ and Hong Kong, further highlighting the level of innovation emerging in China.
International perspectives on China’s ascendance in the innovation space vary. Some companies, particularly in India, have been unimpressed with the progress of Chinese pharma companies, citing a lack of focus in small molecule research. However, others, especially in the international clinical trials sector, have observed a growing interest from Chinese companies and have witnessed cutting-edge innovations emerging from China.
The case of Artesunate serves as a pivotal moment in Chinese pharmaceutical history, marking a transition from “Made in China” to “Created in China.” While it will take time for new innovations to make a significant impact, the pharmaceutical industry in China, from biotechs to multinationals, is fully committed to contributing to the government’s vision of becoming a global leader in R&D. Innovation is seen as the key social responsibility for pharmaceutical companies, driven by the urgent need to address unmet medical needs and improve healthcare.
Looking ahead, China’s pharmaceutical industry is increasingly focused on the biopharmaceutical space. Large multinational companies have scaled down their in-country R&D investments but are actively seeking partnerships with China’s biotechs. Cross-border deals between Chinese and international companies are on the rise, with biopharmaceuticals becoming a key area of interest. Chinese companies are also looking to bring innovative technologies from overseas into China to bolster their biopharma pipelines.