Could you provide more details about the origins of Sombrero Resources and how it came to be?

Sombrero Resources was formed in October 2020 when it was spun out of Auryn Resources. During our time with Auryn, we had raised and spent over C$100 million searching for world-class precious and base metal discoveries. In the process, we had identified several significant projects in both Canada and Peru, including the Sombrero copper-gold project in southern Peru. At the time, Sombrero was considered the flagship project of Auryn. However, in order to give each project the attention and valuation it deserved, we decided to split Auryn into three separate entities by commodity focus; Fury Gold Mines, Tier One Silver and Sombrero Resources. Our belief is that Sombrero Resources is a world-class copper/gold opportunity and we anticipate listing in the second half of 2021.

What can you tell us about the history of the Sombrero project, and what drew you to it?

Despite being situated on the western half of the Andahuaylas-Yauri belt, where world-renowned mines such as Las Bambas, Tintaya, Antacapay, and many others are located, the Sombrero project had been largely overlooked. The project’s thin blanket of volcanic rocks that sits on the surface was identified in a government survey as Miocene age, which is not the prospective Eocene aged mineralization that hosts all the world-class mines about 200 km to the west of Sombrero. However, a geologist named Miguel Cardozo saw the potential through small erosional windows of outcrop that had limited rock sampling and returned high-grade copper and gold. He introduced us to the project, and we were able to confirm that the age of the mineralization below the volcanic cover is in fact Eocene. We strongly believe that the Andahuaylas-Yauri belt extends over 200 km west to where the Sombrero project is located. We have now taken over 5,000 samples, completed geophysics, and some channel sampling, which returned up to 184 m of 0.57% CuEq. We have also acquired some historical drilling data completed by an international steel company that was pursuing the claims for iron at the time, and their holes returned 0.58% copper equivalent over 116 m near the surface.

What exploration plans do you have at the Ccascabamba and Nioc targets in 2021?

We have received a DIA permit on our Ccascabamba target, which allows us to drill from an environmental perspective. We are now working towards obtaining our social permits. Once fully permitted, our first drill program will include up to 38 drill pads to start testing the 12 km strike length of targets that we’ve identified through surface work and geophysics. We are also seeking access and permits so that we can do the same at the Nioc target later this year.

Which communities are located near the north-western extension of the Andahuaylas-Yauri belt, and how accepted is mining and exploration in the area?

The two communities of significance in the area are Huancasancos and Lucanamarca, and we have spent considerable time getting to know and supporting them through extensive community efforts. This includes federally recognized Agroideas programs that we have introduced and sponsored. Though it has taken time, we are pleased with the rapport we have established with these communities, both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have taken the long route to establish deep ties with the community so that we can be more aligned with stakeholders on a long-term, sustainable basis.

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