Can you provide an overview of BRADE and the range of services the company offers in Africa?

Certainly. BRADE leverages expertise and successful alliances with strategic companies to provide a comprehensive range of services in Africa. Our offerings encompass various sectors, including environmental services, integrated project management, production management and optimization, heavy-duty equipment, and other support services related to the oil and gas industry.

BRADE’s subsidiaries include BRADE Consulting, Stefan & Kevin West Africa, BRADE Chemical Solutions, BRADE West Africa Ghana, BRADE Oil and Gas Uganda, and BRADE Petroleum and Energy Services.

Could you elaborate on the technologies utilized by BRADE to deliver exceptional services to its clients?

BRADE employs cutting-edge technologies that are designed to optimize production costs while maintaining world-class quality standards and improving productivity. For instance, we utilize NOV’s Seabox subsea water treatment unit and SWIT technology to reduce costs for our clients and minimize environmental impact. Water injection is a common method to enhance oil production, but it requires a significant amount of water. With the Seabox and SWIT technology, we can treat water directly at the seabed and pump the treated water directly into injection wells. This allows operators to optimize water flooding with high-quality water, improving recovery rates. The technology enables the treatment of raw seawater on the seabed to the desired quality for injection into oil wells, providing pressure support, sweep, and increased oil recovery.

Can you provide insights into BRADE’s processes focused on environmental sustainability?

BRADE Group is committed to sustainable operations by offering a range of environmental services. These services include general environmental management consulting, environmental and social due diligence, geographic information systems services, social risk management systems, environmental evaluation studies, social impact assessment studies, post-impact assessments, environmental impact assessments, biodiversity studies, environmental and socio-economic baseline surveys, preparation of oil spill contingency plans, investigation and monitoring of oil-impacted sites, and remediation and ecological rehabilitation of impacted sites.

Nigeria has been dubbed the year for natural gas in 2020. Does the country possess the necessary infrastructure to support the growth of this subsector?

Nigeria has significant potential for growth in the natural gas sector. However, the speed at which the country can expand is currently limited by infrastructure. When we consider the estimated volume of fabrication expected to occur in the next three years, Nigeria does not possess sufficient capacity at present.

In what ways have local content regulations in Nigeria facilitated BRADE’s growth?

As a 100% Nigerian company, BRADE benefits from the Nigerian government’s emphasis on local content development, driven by the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB). However, there is still room for improvement in the implementation of these regulations. Greater support is required for local companies operating in a challenging business environment with liquidity constraints. Deliberate efforts should be made to enable local companies to access capital provided by the government or foreign organizations.

The prevailing interest rates for loans in Nigeria range from 22% to 25%, which necessitates local companies to achieve a profitability level of 40%, posing a significant challenge in the Nigerian business environment.

Can you provide further insight into the recession Nigeria experienced in 2016?

In 2016, the oil and gas industry faced its most severe recession in the past 50 years. Nigeria’s heavy reliance on oil and gas resulted in a significant economic downturn. Although BRADE managed to survive during this challenging period, it was an incredibly difficult time for the industry as a whole.

The Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) has been in discussion for approximately two decades. Would the passage of this bill affect BRADE’s operations?

Absolutely. The PIB aims to create more value for Nigeria and Nigerian companies by transferring ownership of projects from International Oil Companies (IOCs) to domestic entities. If the bill is effectively executed, I believe it will successfully generate value for the entire country and provide enhanced opportunities for Nigerian companies like BRADE.

What are BRADE’s objectives for the future?

Moving forward, BRADE aims to sustain its growth trajectory. We are well-positioned with the right skill set, mentality, and integrity to progress. Attracting individuals with the right attitude is fundamental to our company’s foundation. Our objective is to become the leading company in the market and the preferred service provider. Nigeria offers abundant opportunities, and we are committed to making the most of them.

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