Enhancing Tailings Management: A Path to Preventing Catastrophic Mining Disasters
- Peru | 19 July 2021

The mining industry has faced significant scrutiny and criticism in recent years due to catastrophic incidents like the Brumadinho tragedy in Brazil, where a tailings dam failure resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives and severe environmental damage. These incidents have underscored the urgent need for improved tailings management practices within the mining sector. In response, the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) conducted a comprehensive review with stakeholders and launched the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management in August 2020. This standard aims to drive industry-wide reform and ensure the safe and sustainable management of tailings facilities.
Recognizing the critical role of responsible mining practices, the Investor Mining & Tailings Safety Initiative, composed of influential asset owners and fund managers, including the Church of England Pensions Fund and Dutch pension funds, has emerged as a powerful force in promoting compliance with the Global Industry Standard. With a collective control of over $24 trillion in assets, these investors have made it clear that companies must demonstrate compliance with the standard to retain their support. This investor pressure creates a compelling incentive for mining companies to prioritize and invest in effective tailings management strategies.
The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management consists of six topic areas, 15 principles, and 77 auditable requirements. Implementation protocols provide detailed guidance for certification and assurance, ensuring that companies adhere to the standard effectively. Compliance with the standard is crucial to prevent future catastrophic events and restore public trust in the mining industry.
The scale of the tailings management challenge requires the involvement of all industry stakeholders, not just major mining companies. High-level expertise and capacity in tailings management are currently limited, with only a fraction of the market being served by specialized engineering firms. This shortage highlights the need for collaboration and knowledge sharing to enhance risk mitigation strategies and develop innovative solutions.
To mitigate the risks associated with traditional tailings management methods, such as subaqueous deposition and dry stacking, industry leaders are exploring alternative approaches. The Centre of Excellence for Mining Innovation (CEMI) has proposed a groundbreaking system called SST (separation, sequestration, and treatment), which splits the waste stream and repurposes the benign tailings for agricultural use. This approach reduces environmental impact, enhances sustainability, and could expedite the social license to operate for mining companies.
The adoption of advanced technologies, automation, and monitoring systems is crucial to improving tailings management practices. These technologies enable better control, early detection of potential failures, and more efficient water management, reducing the overall risks associated with tailings facilities. By investing in these innovations, mining companies can enhance their operational resilience and reduce their environmental footprint.
Peru, with its extensive mining heritage, has made significant progress in tailings management. The country has established initiatives such as the Global Action on Tailings (GAT) working group, bringing together mining professionals and institutions worldwide to drive further advancements in this field. Peruvian mining contractors are witnessing an increased demand for tailings work, emphasizing the importance of adhering to high standards and implementing innovative solutions.
The mining industry’s commitment to effective tailings management is essential to prevent future disasters, protect communities and the environment, and secure long-term sustainability. The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management, supported by investor pressure and collaboration among industry stakeholders, serves as a crucial framework for driving change. By embracing alternative approaches, leveraging technology, and investing in expertise, mining companies can mitigate risks, ensure compliance, and contribute to a more sustainable and responsible industry.