- Namibia | 19 July 2021

What role does Motion Metrics play in the mining industry?
Motion Metrics plays a significant role in the mining industry by providing innovative solutions that prioritize safety, intelligence, and sustainability. Since 2004, we have been utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision to develop and commercialize products that address various challenges faced by mines worldwide. Currently, our systems are used by over 70 mines globally. Our product range includes missing tooth detection for shovels and loaders, payload monitoring for shovels, boulder detection for haul trucks, and fragmentation analysis for shovels, haul trucks, conveyor belts, and even in a handheld format.
Furthermore, we are leveraging our technological expertise to assist mines in achieving their sustainability targets, particularly in terms of energy consumption. Comminution, the process of size reduction, accounts for more than 50% of the total energy utilized in mine operations. With our mine-to-mill solution, we aim to reduce energy consumption during this process by at least 15%.
Can you tell us more about the funding you received from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and how you plan to allocate it?
SDTC is a prominent supporter of domestic clean-tech entrepreneurs in Canada, and we were thrilled to receive their funding in September 2020. Motion Metrics was the largest recipient in Canada, receiving CAD $5.6 million for a collaborative project that will span three and a half years. This project, led by Motion Metrics, focuses on designing, developing, and implementing a commercial mine-to-mill energy efficiency solution. Our primary objectives are centered around waste elimination and reducing energy consumption.
You recently launched ‘TruckMetrics.’ How does it enhance particle size analysis?
TruckMetrics is a groundbreaking particle size analysis and boulder detection system designed specifically for haul trucks. It utilizes distributed AI and a rugged stereo camera, which we developed in-house, mounted on a gantry above the mine road. This system monitors particle size and analyzes the visible material in the truck bed. By detecting visible boulders, TruckMetrics allows for the diversion of oversized material from the crusher, ensuring efficient processing. We conducted successful trials of the product prototype with a major iron ore mining company in Western Australia, validating its effectiveness.
Do you believe Africa is ready to embrace the AI revolution in the mining industry?
I firmly believe that technology is not limited by geography. The purpose of technology is to enhance efficiency and reduce operational costs, irrespective of location. While infrastructure is necessary for the development of complex technologies, it is not a prerequisite for their implementation. In fact, some of the world’s poorest countries have adopted advanced wireless technologies successfully. Whether it is a mine in Africa, Australia, or Canada, the demand for autonomous trucks or other advanced technologies remains the same. As an example, one of our clients, a large iron ore mine owned by Anglo American in South Africa, is an early adopter of our most advanced technologies. We are working closely with them to deploy the first prototypes of our newest product on-site in the coming months. We are excited to collaborate with the highly qualified professionals of this major mining company and create value through the implementation of our products at their site.