- Romania | 12 December 2021

How frequently is the state of Bucharest’s real estate market discussed in City Hall meetings?
The subject arises extremely frequently in meetings, especially in relation to urban planning matters, where the General Mayor proposes urban zonal plans (UZPs) that councilors vote on. Our primary objective is updating Bucharest’s general urban plan (GUP), stagnant since the 2000s, to better reflect the city’s current needs and growth.
Considering the vast change in Bucharest from 2000 to 2021, what guides your vision in shaping this master plan?
The past two decades saw chaotic urban development, with crowded neighborhoods witnessing apartment blocks, and offices and industrial structures mismatched within residential areas. Presently, Bucharest bears an eclectic urban style, heavy traffic, and pervasive pollution. Our aim is to redefine the city’s layout, designating industrial, green, urban forest, and residential zones into clusters.
The suspension of UZPs has been challenging for the industry. What led to this decision?
District urban zonal plans were annulled due to court orders, viewed as detrimental to investors outside their original design timeline. Legal issues stemmed from the absence of green spaces and incomplete traffic studies. Though the process isn’t entirely halted, investors can engage with the city master plan and pursue individual UZPs, subject to approval when proven beneficial for the community.
How effective is the communication between City Hall and industry members, and how can they contribute to completing these tasks on time?
City Hall welcomes public discussions to address industry challenges. The General Mayor initiates early-stage communication, and councilors join after UZP proposals. Despite communication obstacles on urban plans, Bucharest confronts pressing issues demanding solutions. Developers’ contributions via green spaces, schools, and traffic-reducing mixed-use projects align with city projects tackling seismic risks and continued consolidation efforts.
Beyond the discussed issues, how do you envision Bucharest transforming in the next decade?
I envision Bucharest evolving into a regional megacity by resolving concerns with Ilfov and developing satellite zones to alleviate central traffic. Former industrial areas will transform into residential, office, and retail zones. Creative industries and IT might redefine the cityscape, drawing freelancers enticed by Bucharest’s lifestyle for temporary work engagements.