- Brazil | 20 June 2016

Could you provide an overview of the products and services offered by Ground Probe in Latin America?
At Ground Probe, we provide decision confidence to our clients through the use of our Slope Stability Radar (SSR) and Work Area Monitor (WAM). The SSR remotely scans a slope wall, providing detailed analysis of any movement in real-time, while the WAM is a truck-mounted system that sends alarms to operators and engineering offices to warn of any impending movement. Our systems are built to military specifications, and we also provide full-time operators, remote diagnostics, and preventative maintenance. We train our clients’ technicians to use the equipment and make the most of the data they receive. Remote data analysis is also possible, and we provide regular reports to mine operators from our headquarters in Brisbane.
What are the benefits that a mine operator can expect from using Ground Probe’s products and solutions?
One of the most significant benefits is increased safety for workers. Our systems have predicted over 500 slope failures worldwide, providing early warnings each time. With advance notice, engineers can reinforce a wall, minimizing ore dilution from waste falling into the ore zone, and prepare for alternative access if necessary. In addition to these benefits, the data gathered over the course of a project can be used in mine planning applications to improve the structural integrity of future slopes. Vale’s Mine Closure unit has expressed interest in using our products to monitor mines after their production cycle has finished to prevent landslides into populated areas or tailings ponds, which could cause significant damage to the environment and human lives.
How has the mining industry responded to Ground Probe’s technology, and is market acceptance a challenge?
The mining industry, in general, has a reputation of being slow to adopt new technologies, and this can be an issue in Brazil where engineers may struggle to sell new solutions to management. However, Ground Probe has visited 90% of the major mines in Brazil and generated a lot of interest. To help educate the market, we offer shared cost demos where engineers can work with us for a week and learn how to use our products effectively, which can help them persuade their superiors to invest in our solutions. Despite the initial challenges, many experts predict that within five years our products will be more popular in Brazil than in Chile.