- Indonesia | 24 May 2015

Can you provide information about DSM’s presence in Indonesia and its different business divisions?
DSM is a renowned ingredient company that operates in both the life science and chemicals sectors. It is globally recognized as one of the largest and most comprehensive companies in its field. Within DSM, the largest division is DSM Nutritional Products. This division generates sales of over €4 billion and has a strong tradition of innovation that benefits both people and the planet. DSM is a leading supplier to the human health, animal health, and personal care industries.
What role does DSM Nutritional Products play within DSM’s business as a whole?
DSM Nutritional Products is the largest division within the DSM business. It specifically focuses on human nutrition and health, which is crucial in terms of food, dietary supplements, and pharmaceutical ingredients. The division is structured geographically, with regional offices across different regions. The Asia Pacific (APAC) region is the largest, encompassing countries such as the ASEAN countries, Japan, and New Zealand, and it is headquartered in Singapore.
Why has DSM Nutritional Products chosen Indonesia as a destination for its businesses?
DSM Nutritional Products recognizes Indonesia as a promising country with consistent double-digit growth. Despite its complexities, diverse needs, and challenging infrastructure, Indonesia is an exciting place to be, particularly due to the growing pharmaceuticals and healthcare sectors. Indonesia presents a unique dichotomy with both obesity and over-nutrition, as well as malnutrition. DSM’s focus on dietary supplements contributes to preventive healthcare rather than traditional pharmaceuticals. By providing micronutrient supplements to address health needs, DSM aims to combat micronutrient deficiencies, which is a priority for the company. DSM’s motto, “Bright Science, Brighter Living,” reflects their commitment to being a socially responsible corporation and their dedication to creating a brighter future through nutrition.
What are some of the products offered by DSM Nutritional Products in the realm of nutrition and their role?
DSM Nutritional Products offers a diverse range of products and is considered the most comprehensive ingredient company in the industry. Their portfolio includes both fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, carotenoids, beta-carotene, nutraceuticals, lipids such as unsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3s. DSM Nutritional Products is the only micro nutrition company that has expertise in all these categories. These products play a crucial role in addressing various nutritional needs and supporting overall health and well-being.
Apart from the product line, what are DSM Nutritional Products’ areas of expertise and core competencies? Who are some key clients?
DSM Nutritional Products excels in manufacturing, traceability, and accessibility, providing confidence to pharmaceutical companies in using their ingredients. They serve dietary supplement companies located in different parts of Indonesia, including Jakarta and Bandung, and have a widespread presence throughout the industry. Their clients recognize them as a quality player. As an ingredient company, DSM Nutritional Products takes pride in understanding the components that go into their products. They are research-driven, constantly striving to comprehend the clinical benefits and chemical components of their ingredients. DSM Nutritional Products distinguishes itself through its services, even though it may be relatively more expensive, by delivering quality in product development, service, and information to pharmaceutical companies.
What is the potential for a multinational company like DSM in Indonesia, and what are your future plans?
DSM recognizes the Indonesian government’s focus on improving health, and they also observe that Indonesian consumers are becoming more proactive in taking ownership of their health. DSM sees significant potential in Indonesia because their aim is not only to address symptoms but also to provide nutrition in a preventive sense. They offer naturally sourced ingredients that can be readily developed. Furthermore, DSM’s focus on innovation positions them as leaders in the industry. For example, they have identified folic acid deficiency as a prevalent issue, and by offering methyltetrahydrofolate, a compound that improves folate metabolism, they can provide effective solutions. DSM’s commitment to innovation, corporate infrastructure, and expertise in the science of ingredients sets them apart.
What message would you like to convey to our readers?
DSM has accumulated expertise from around the world, which benefits their customers. They add value to the industry. They are excited to be part of Indonesia’s development and the increased awareness of preventive healthcare. DSM is committed to providing affordable, accessible, and distributed nutrition. They will continue to strive for excellence and collaborate with companies that share their vision for a healthier future.