- USA | 30 June 2020

How did 2020 unfold for BBEttA?
When the pandemic hit, it was unprecedented. We were riding the high of our best year in 2019 and had a solid backlog entering 2020. However, no one anticipates a pandemic in their business plans. Our office projects took the initial hit, with several major projects going on hold or being canceled outright. Simultaneously, our multifamily projects faced concerns as new leasing activity stalled. Surprisingly, our new multifamily projects not only stayed stable but even gained momentum. Senior living work picked up, and our adaptive reuse projects and interior design remained steady. Despite the challenges, we found ourselves hiring aggressively during the pandemic due to the influx of new work.
What’s your strategy when approaching the multifamily sector?
Multifamily projects have been in our portfolio for a long time. The demand remains robust, especially for urban infill projects, which is our specialization. These projects pose architectural and construction complexities, blending various construction types and functions. Interestingly, there are few firms in North Carolina excelling in these intricate infill projects that involve structured parking, mixed construction, and mixed-use elements. Our experience in handling such complex projects has been advantageous, especially with Charlotte’s growth and the increasing complexity of available sites.