- Chile | 11 August 2022

Can you please introduce AGUNSA to us?
Sure. AGUNSA is a multinational company based in Chile with operations and offices in over 20 countries. We are a leading agency and logistics service provider with an integrated logistics platform that helps our customers grow their businesses by working efficiently across various locations and scenarios. Currently, we have over 35 long-term contracts in Chile and Peru in the mining industry, more than 5,000 employees, US$610 million in annual sales, 400,000 square meters of warehouses, 430,000 truck trips per year, and more than 30 million tons mobilized per year in ports.
That’s impressive. Can you tell us about AGUNSA’s involvement with the mining industry and the standout mining projects and clients the company has worked with in Chile and Peru?
We provide logistics services to mining, energy companies, and their suppliers. Our services include international transportation, port operations, vessel agencies, storage, and road transport of general and oversized cargo. Additionally, we offer services within mining operations such as drilling and blasting, loading and haulage, operation of leach pads, and maintenance of plants. We also operate private maritime terminals for mining companies such as CAP, Codelco, Collahuasi, SPL (former K+S), and Cordillera, to name a few.
That’s a comprehensive list. Can you tell us about AGUNSA’s environmentally focused initiatives to decrease GHG emissions and contribute to more sustainable operations?
Sure. In sustainability and circular economy, we are working hard on four pillars: care for the planet, social development, powering our people, and operational excellence. Our commitment translates into responsible environmental behavior, such as promoting the use of green energy, clean production agreements (APL), waste management, and recycling plans, among others. Last year, we focused on measuring our CO2 footprint considering all our operations, and this year we are working on establishing specific sustainability pillar plans to achieve our goals.