Are there particular types of deals and demand that have been prominent recently?

Absolutely, various trends have emerged in recent times. There’s been consistent activity in logistics transactions, built-to-suit projects, and leaseback transactions across industrial and office spaces. Interestingly, some investors who initially directed funds into rehabilitation residential projects, primarily aiming at attracting golden visa applicants, are now redirecting these investments into offices, commercial ventures, or tourism-related projects. Rather than merely selling units, they’re opting to involve private equity funds, altering the financial framework.

Another notable surge in Portugal has been witnessed in student and senior housing sectors, both of which have experienced flourishing growth. Additionally, a substantial number of foreign residents are choosing to relocate their lives to Portugal, contributing significantly to the overall booming residential sector.

What incentives make Portugal an attractive destination for investors?

Portugal offers a favorable legal investment landscape, making it relatively straightforward to establish a company, despite some challenges in the licensing process.

Notable incentives contributing to Portugal’s allure include the 6% VAT incentive for rehabilitation projects, the Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) regime, and the investment vehicles like SICAVI or SIGI, which attract foreign players. Although purchasing an asset in Portugal involves a 7% fee, this tax can be circumvented if the property is sold within three years of its purchase.

In essence, Portugal offers an array of beneficial measures designed to enhance the attractiveness of its real estate market.

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