Could you please tell us about the most pressing issues that PTPiREE is currently focusing on?

As an organization that provides a common voice for leaders in the transmission and distribution sector in Poland, our primary focus at the moment is to establish a comprehensive energy policy plan and ensure its effective implementation. In collaboration with the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, we are evaluating the quality and efficiency of current regulations to make informed recommendations for improvements. Additionally, we continuously monitor changes in laws and regulatory solutions related to operator activities, both domestically and within the European Union, and provide expert opinions on them.

We are particularly interested in issues related to network infrastructure, energy transmission and distribution, as well as system and connectivity management. We aim to improve SAIDI and SAIFI indicators, develop renewable energy sources (RES) and prosumer segments. The new role of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) according to the EU regulations, particularly the Clean Energy for All Europeans package, is closely related to these issues. We believe that the changes brought about by these regulations will offer significant benefits from a consumer, environmental and economic perspective.

Apart from the decarbonization efforts, the power sector is also undergoing a digital transformation. Smart metering is a major concern in many European countries. Could you tell us how far Poland has come in this digitalization effort?

Indeed, smart metering installed on customers’ premises and in the grid allows for real-time monitoring of energy consumption and provides customers with various innovative tools that make their lives more convenient. As an organization, we actively support the development of smart grids, and we are the initiators of many conferences, industry events and professional publications.

As renewable energy sources continue to gain momentum, the power system is becoming more decentralized, with an added load on the grid by electric vehicles. Is the power infrastructure in Poland ready to take on these new sources? Are there any major investments planned to accommodate this change?

According to PTPiREE, the energy model is changing, becoming more dispersed thanks to the development of renewable energy sources. The adaptation of grid infrastructure to new needs requires significant investment outlays. The Polish power industry has been investing in infrastructure for years, with over PLN 8 billion invested by Polish power transmission and distribution companies in the previous year alone. The changes in the energy model have led to large grid investments and the search for sources of financing to support these developments. PTPiREE is focused on developing and modernizing the grid to connect renewable energy sources, prosumers, and charging points.

Regarding electromobility, distribution system operators are responsible for constructing public charging points and planning how to connect these points to the modernized power grid. However, are there any limitations imposed by the Polish government when it comes to investments proposed by DSOs?

Investment expenditure is agreed upon with the Energy Regulatory Authority, an independent institution that balances the interests of energy companies and customers. Energy companies spend money on grid restoration and engage in innovative projects, with transmission system operators and DSOs actively participating in initiatives related to electromobility, energy storage, development of the prosumer market, and renewable energy sources. The power industry understands the needs of the economy and tries to answer them. Owing to good cooperation with local governments at various levels and investors, new power lines and infrastructure are built, helping to increase the economic growth of regions and the country as a whole.

However, energy infrastructure is dispersed through the country and located in areas with many owners, including local authorities, which often requires negotiations with multiple parties. Therefore, PTPiREE is the initiator of proposals for many regulations that help to accelerate and simplify the process of investing in Poland.

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