What are the main milestones in McDermott’s history?

McDermott was founded in the United States in 1923. We have a lot of knowledge and experience through our comprehensive EPCI services, global resources, and decades of best practices. We are proud of our history. We have designed, manufactured, and installed many innovations in the industry, including some of the deepest structures in the world. In 2007, we opened a manufacturing plant in Altamira, Mexico, which is the focal point for manufacturing to serve the Americas, both for Pemex’s internal needs and for export to international customers. Our investment in Altamira shows how important Mexico is to our future in this region. We have carried out several projects for Pemex and are ready to serve them in deep waters. Pemex’s expansion into deep waters and the execution of more complex projects require the knowledge of major international companies for field development, as well as engineering and construction contractors with new skills and access to global solutions. In addition, McDermott brings relationships with these large international companies that can further enhance deepwater developments in Mexico.

Could you offer more details about Altamira?

We have invested around $150 million to date in the Altamira facilities. The yard has been upgraded in stages since it opened its doors in 2007. We have a 500-meter-long dock, in addition to an option to expand the dock and yard, which we are evaluating. We have a building where we can assemble under cover, allowing us to maximize efficiency from a weather and productivity standpoint. We are currently assembling a 6,350-ton superstructure. The 12-meter water depth along the dock allows us to accommodate large vessels and integrate superstructures such as FPSOs. The yard has direct access to the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We have also just finished a new learning center to support our competence development and professional training programs. We are using the facilities for our workers, but they will also be leveraged by our customers and subcontractors, whom we will offer training to.

Thanks to the energy reform, the Altamira facilities allow us to work in Mexico with companies other than Pemex. It is also a very important facility for the export market: we are currently carrying out a project for West Africa, for example.

What impact does your presence in Altamira have on promoting the employment of local workers?

Altamira is an important source of employment in the Tampico region and offers additional job opportunities that did not exist in the past. Local content requirements are expected to increase to 25% this year, reaching 35% by 2025. The fact that we invested early is a particular advantage, as international oil companies have McDermott as a partner with whom they are familiar, which can help them work in Mexico.

Could you give us an example of the work you do for Pemex and how new technologies can be introduced in Mexico?

We have recently completed the substructure and platform of Ayatsil-B, which we designed and manufactured, and we have another project for Pemex underway for the PBLitoral-A, a 6,350-ton substructure and platform for which we are delivering complete EPCI services. It is a significantly sized deck and, from a technological standpoint, it is Pemex’s first float-over installation. We are using our specialized installation barge instead of a heavy-lift vessel. This minimizes offshore work resulting from lifting and installing the deck in separate modules, and the resulting offshore mating and commissioning, making the process more efficient. We are halfway through the project and expect to complete the installation in the third or fourth quarter of 2016.

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